Wednesday, March 12, 2008


When my kids and I go to the mall we like to visit a Tee-Shirt store aptly named "Coolest Tees".

I have passed on my weird sense of humor to my demon spawn so we enjoy looking at all the sarcastic sayings proudly displayed on various colors of 100% cotton.
So over the weekend we took a little trip to "Coolest Tees" and here are our favorite sayings with some photobucket favorites just for decoration and, of course, commentary:


"I live in my own little's okay...they know me here."


"Mess with me and you mess with the whole trailer park."

(This is daughter, Roz's, motto!)

"Take my advice...I'm not using it!"
(This is exactly why advice was meant to be given away...
because you never really use it yourself)

"You caught me at a bad time, I'm awake!"

"If idiots could fly this place would be an airport!"


"I feel better now that I've lost all hope."
(hahahahaha! Yes, my humor...she is dark!)

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, I'm my mother after all."
(Can I get an "amen" somebody?)

"To save time, let's just assume I know everything"
(I don't really understand why this is's just TRUE!)


"Don't piss me off, it's not like I need another felony conviction"

"Immature, unorganized, lazy and loud...but I'm fun"

"My therapist wants me to share my dumb piece of shit."
(One of my friends is gonna LOVE this one)


"Heavily medicated for your safety"

"If all else fails...lower your standards."


Because I believe this to be 100% true, true,
TRUE in my experience

"If you want to make God laugh...tell him your PLANS!"

(and feel free to replace the word "God"
with your deity, higher power, and/or pronoun of choice...
it still works!)

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

I just made a t-shirt that said "My boyfriend is the guy from Nantucket" He he.

Hello beautiful!